I first heard of it as a story in my growing years… but it did not caught my attention… i was too young to see beyond. One afternoon, i was about 9 years old and my mother bought a lot of second-hand books from our neighbor’s garage sale as they were migrating to the States… so here i was, browsin’ through the images on the books and i randomly flipped on an image of Machu Picchu. BIDATS!!! Napukaw akong pisot na pagbati… L’ambiance etait incroyable… et pendant ce temps les moustiques ete occupes a me devorer.

As i was told ” Dreams are free, it’s just asking yourself when do you want it to happen ” so this is my 20th destination out of 40 key cities worldwide. I’m exploring visual and narrative possibilities in my Diary Artworks through cauterization. I bought a bible in Cusco-Peru and transform it into a diary. Yep, i burn letter by letter and whatever is left becomes my diary of the day. OOOhhh…. wag mag strong-strong! Ginawa ko lang diary ang bible… heheheh. Oh la laaahhh! Au top! Tranquille!! Pas enerve mon ami ca fait parti du voyage.

Oftentimes, you would be amaze by your travel and thinking of living-in but there are few places in my travel that the place itself is telling me that i am home and Ollantaytambo is one of the few… It made me feel at home and it moved me to stay longer. Deeeeeep kaayo ting! J‘ai prolonge mon sejour Ollantaytambo car je m’y suis senti comme la maison… cf. Nazareth, 3 allee du Bot, Rue Hippolyte Maindron… heheheh.

So i wrote down random thoughts in my head and use my penmanship as final work in itself and draw along some images of my day and combined them like motif. I call it notepad diary series. SSSeeeeeeeeyyyyy!!! Kuris-Kuris gud pareha adtong mga sulat sulat nako sa ding ding katong gamay pako. Oups! Belle photo… ca me rappelle que mes chaussures me viennent de ma Belle Mere preferee  et mon pull de mes amis Hugues et Patxi. Hihihi…

Peru is Amazing! The Peruvians are wonderful people and i will not forget every detail of this experience.

For further details of my cauterized artwork, you may visit Palanay Art Project page in this website. For Notepad Diary series I have an upcoming Solo show In Paris on July 10, 2018 at Pierre-Yves Caer Gallery (Paris).

Join me in my travel to 40 citites worldwide. Visit this website for new diary-blogs and follow my instagram post.