If i cannot bring the world to Mindanao… might as well bring Mindanao to the world. I was exploring performative possibilities in my diary of my experience with the Manobo Tigwahanon tribe in Bukidnon-Philippines. Transforming their cultural belief of the good and bad spirit ritual into a conceptual approach. The said artistic performance in the Fine Arts Museum of Anger in France was meditatively interactive and it also touches movements in kali-escrima-panantukan and balintawak. Maka-nosebleed noh? Bitaw oiy… nagsugba ra bitaw mi unya naluto rapud pero duuuuuuuuuugay! Tatouage facial permanent! Gaidou ca serait bien pour toi!! T’en penses quoi?

The context also of the place resonates as we were surrounded with Neoclassical and Romantic paintings. The Filipino martial arts movement was accompanied by a recording of a pig screaming as it is being sacrificed. Part also of the performance was a touch of reflective pause all along and an impromptu speech in bisaya. The symbols are from the early writings of Filipinos known as “baybayin” , symbols from the burial jars found in Mindanao and my personal interpretation of it. Medjo, nibasa gamay akong ilok paghoman pero kaya-kaya ra, dili man hinoon kaayo halang sa mata…sseeeeeeeyyyyyyyy. Madame Marrick, prepares toi pour notre entranement de Kali. Ne tinquietes pas pour le visage…

Apart from this performance, i was moved to  make drawings and writings of my research day before in Paris and day after in my hotel room in Angers. I would like to thank people also who along the way helped me to make this 30 minute performance a reality. Curator Iola Lenzi for opening doors for me to visit Angers with Josephine Turalba. Christine Besson, Violaine Bougere and all the staff of Musee D’Angers  for the opportunity to showcase my roots. Alain Sery and Danny Vedua for my Kali and Balintawak training. Dan Azoulay for the voice over. Compagnie Acte II for the support. Frederic Schwarcz for the space to practice and Morgane Quiguer for performing with me. Ug salamat pud sa imo… Oo! Ikaw mismo!! Sa pagbasa ani na diary blog. 

To know more about Filipino Martial Arts click my Bar Code Diary Art Project. To know more about the Manobo, you may browse Meupia Art Project in this website. Feel free to share this website to your friends. You may also subscribe to my Youtube Channel or follow my Instagram Post

Cette performance sera a nouveau presenter au PL Pilier-Rouge de Brest le 17 fvrier 2018 19h30 loccasion des 10 ans de la Compagnie Acte II et dans le cadre du repas caritatif au profit du projet franco-philippin MEUPIA. Renseignements et reservation ladresse contact@compagnieactedeux.com